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Table of Content Volume 9 Issue 1 - January 2019

Investigation of the empowerment factors in improving the productivity of employees of Valiasr hospital in Kazeroon in 2018


Maryam Chalangarian1, Abbas Ghavam2*, SomayehHessam3


1Department of Healthcare Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, IRAN.

2Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Institute of Sciences and High Technology and Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, IRAN.

3Assistant Professor, Department of Health Services Administration, South Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.

Email: ghavam39@gmail.com


Abstract               Background: One of the success codes of today's organizations is productivity that has a wide range of dimensions and levels. This study was conducted to investigate the empowerment factors in increasing the productivity of employees of the Vali-e-Asr Hospital Kazeroun during 2018. Method: This qualitative study was conducted in Hazrat-e-Valiasr Hospitals of Kazeroun and the population consisted of head of hospital, internal director, nursing director, supervisors, and head nurses. 17participants were selected using non-probability purposive sampling and known cases. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews which were recorded, transcribed and analysed after informed consent was obtained. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: The findings lead to the extraction of four main categories including individual factors (mental, intellectual, and personality development of employees, promotion of individual health of employees, etc.), motivational factors (job creation, job satisfaction, etc.), educational factors (Holding retraining and training courses for employees, employing people in different positions corresponding to the level of knowledge, awareness and education) and organizational culture (improving communication at all levels of the hospital, creating a sense of commitment, etc.). Conclusion: The individual, motivational, educational and organizational factors of the four main identified categories were effective in promoting employee productivity. It is recommended that micro-level hospital administrators and health care providers at a macro level look deeper and more systematic and, based on the identified undergraduate programs, include in-class programs with successful implementation.

Key Word: Empowerment, Productivity, Hospital






Productivity is one of the keys to the success of today's organizations. This concept has a wide dimension that has been considered at different levels and from different perspectives1. In terms of management, the efficiency of the system's success rate in using resources to achieve goals is expressed. In fact, productivity implies both efficiency and effectiveness. Efficiency is related to the concepts of efficiency, effectiveness, profitability, quality, innovation, quality of work life, and culture, and indeed a combination of them2.On the other hand, human resources as the main factor in output and management factors play a decisive role in productivity and are the main source of competitive advantage for organizations. Any approach to improving organizational productivity should involve personnel matters because they are human beings who carry out the work of the organization1. Human resource productivity is one of the key factors in achieving countries' scientific and industrial progress and, ultimately, economic development. Since human development is the main basis for development, human resource development is essential for development, and any planning for the development of human resources has a crucial role4. On the other hand, human resource productivity can be affected by several factors. Savery Factors affecting the productivity of individuals, including the satisfaction of individuals from work and life, flexibility of working hours, employee collaboration and management, motivation and effort of individuals and management, continuous planning and up-to-date technology, education and ability of individuals, effective management of people's intelligence and Wages and incentive systems5.Ozbiligin also explains factors such as creativity, wage levels, ability and skill of individuals, how they are doing their job and their positions, their type of management, and organizational flexibility as factors affecting labor productivity6. Productivity in the health services sector is a relatively new topic, since earlier measurements of productivity in the private sector of factories and factories were studied more7. On the other hand, measuring productivity, especially its effectiveness element in the healthcare sector, is not as easy as a manufacturing or commercial organization, and it is very complicated because health services have a different nature than goods8. In this section, human resource efficiency is one of the main priorities of managers and policy makers of health systems, because by increasing this productivity, they will be able to achieve the goals of the organization and the development and progress of countries in the health sector and treatments3.In contrast to the lack of proper human resources, there will be restrictions on the delivery and quality of health services7. Some evidence suggests that a number of healthcare organizations are facing a major challenge when reducing productivity and the record of manpower. This can be due to the lack of optimal and efficient use of human resources, so identification of empowerment factors in human resource productivity can be an effective step in promoting it9. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of investigating the empowerment factors in promoting human resource efficiency in Valiasr Hospital of Kazeroun in 1397.


This study is a qualitative study which was done by content analysis method. Since qualitative study is a systematic method used to describe the experiences and understanding of meanings in social organizations, the qualitative method was used in this study10. Sampling was done in a targeted manner and data collection continued until data saturation was achieved. Considering that in qualitative research there is no emphasis on the scale or statistical estimation, it is important to evaluate the value of the sample according to the purpose of the research. Therefore, non-random sampling and purposeful sampling were used. Purposeful or benchmarked sampling is that the subjects are preferably selected based on the research purpose rather than random methods. The community of this study was executed by administrators of the Vali-e-Asr Hospital in Kazeroon, including the head of the department, the director of internal affairs, the director of nursing, supervisors, head nurses and the authorities of different departments of the hospital. The data were collected using a semi-structured interview with participants in the hospital environment. The duration of each interview was between 30 and 60 minutes, with an average of 46 minutes, and the location of the interviews was selected to select the participants in the hospital environment. The duration of each interview was between 30 and 60 minutes, with an average of 46 minutes, and the location of the interviews was selected to select the participants in the hospital environment. Interview with the general question of the status of human resource productivity began and then was guided by the goals of the research. After interviewing each participant, all the interviews were intercepted and coded. Latent content analysis was used to analyze the data. Content analysis is one of the data analysis methods which plays an important role in information management, identifying and solving problems, deficiencies, and decisions. Content analysis by classifying, analyzing and explaining data provides an appropriate answer to scientific problems.To analyze the data, first, after listening repeatedly to each interview and reading the line to the line of the materials drawn from the interview bar, the important phrases found in the content of the data were determined, then determined the appropriate concepts (open source), and then simultaneously Based on the similarities and differences in the continuous comparison, open source codes were placed in similar classes. Open codes are based on similarity in one class and form subclasses, and ultimately determined by the integration of classes in the main foundations11. In order to ensure the reliability of the findings and to validate the research data, an effective and trust-based relationship was established with the participants.To confirm the data, each interview was provided to the participants after the analysis and their comments were obtained. In order to verify the ability of the researcher, he tried to not interfere with his assumptions as far as possible in the process of collecting and analyzing data. In order to transfer the findings, participants were selected from different disciplines and with different organizational posts. The method of data collection for participants and their collaboration and satisfaction has been explained, ensuring the anonymity of the participants, the right to refuse to continue the research, adequate information about the research and its objectives, and ensuring the participants are kept the interview text. The safe place was taken.In order to comply with ethical principles, interviews were conducted step by step after obtaining necessary permits from the medical university and presenting a letter of introduction to the hospital management and receiving verbal consent from the participants for participation in the study. Also, to maintain and adhere to the principle of confidentiality, the inclusion of contributors in research documents was refused.



In this study, a total of 17 people, including 10 men and 7 women, participated. Participants in the study were at key positions of the hospital under study, including the head of the hospital, hospital management, nursing management, supervising office and head nurse. Analysis of research data led to the extraction of four main categories including individual factors, motivational factors, educational factors and organizational culture (Table 1-4).



sub classes


empowerment factors in

productivity promotion

individual factors

mental, intellectual and personality growth of personnel

promotion of personnel individual health

empowerment of individual psychology (competence feeling, effectiveness, …)

providing required beds for individual occupational growth and development

improvement of personnel self-confidence

accurate clarification of occupation description and the individuals role in achieving to organizational objectives

motivational factors

attention to individual sensible needs of personnel and effort for supplying them

creating suitable bed for supplying occupational safety

promotion of personnel occupational satisfaction

non-discrimination between personnel of various sectors

using interactional and participatory-based leadership style

participating personnel in decision makings relating to them

justness of system of compensation of services and encourages

training factors

holding retraining and traineeship courses for personnel

utilizing people in various posts according to their knowledge, awareness and educations

continuous and stable occupational training and keeping the personnel up-to-date in their specialized domain

using capacities of virtual space in training and promoting the occupational awareness level of people

organizational culture factors

improvement of communications in all hospital levels (inter-individual and inter-section)

creating sense of commitment in personnel to organizational objectives and missions

creating a competitive environment (healthy environment) and reinforcing the spirit of competitiveness

creating the ground of team work among personnel

direct support of personnel

ignoring in accession of some errors and creating the sense of risk taking in personnel

تشویق کارکنان به داشتن خلاقیت و نوآوری در محیط کار

encouraging personnel to have creativity and innovation in the working environment

Individual Factors: theme that the participants in the study referred to was "individual factors." According to the views and opinions of the interviewees, these factors include the following seven subcategories: "The mental, intellectual and personality development of employees, promotion of individual health of employees, psychological empowerment of individuals, providing the necessary grounds for the development of occupational development, improving employee self-esteem, Clarifying the precise job descriptions and the role of individuals in achieving organizational goals. "Accordingly, if the hospital managers provide the necessary conditions for the individual's growth and development in the workplace in such a way as to ensure their physical, mental and mental health, and that they are not related to their duties and responsibilities and the importance of it, and It should be noted that improvements can be made to improving staff productivity and, as a result, more favorable and more effective achievement of hospital goals and missions. Motivational factors Another theme that, chief executives and senior hospital officials admitted was "motivational factors." These factors included the six sub-elements; "Paying attention to the individual's reasonable personal needs and efforts to provide it, promoting job satisfaction, establishing a suitable job security framework, non-discrimination between employees in different sectors, using style and interactive leadership style And participatory, employee participation in their decision-making, fairness of compensation and encouragement. "According to the participants' view in the study of motivation in manpower, as the most valuable capital of each hospital, one of the most important factors in increasing their productivity. According to interviewees, their behavior is rational and rational to the extent that people have more satisfied needs. Therefore, the consideration of the identified subcategories within this framework and the efforts to achieve them can be an effective step in improving employee productivity. Educational factors Educational factors were another known effective factor in improving employee productivity from the viewpoint of interviewees. Educational factors include: "Conduct retraining and apprenticeships for employees, employing people in different positions in accordance with the level of knowledge, awareness and education, continuous and continuing vocational training, and keeping staff in their specialized fields, using capacity Cyberspace in educating and promoting the level of awareness of people. "Participants in the study believed that investing in education and its related factors could increase productivity, and provided training courses and training skills needed by employees through in-service training to improve benefit recovery Human skeletons will be very effective, because employees in their career path require a variety of trainings to develop their capabilities and thereby improve their productivity. Cultural organizational factors:

Another theme, contributors argued that the factors were organizational culture. The factors of organizational culture mentioned by the participants in the study include factors such as improving communication at all levels of the hospital (interpersonal and interpersonal), creating a sense of commitment to employees in relation to organizational goals and missions, creating a competitive environment (healthy competition), and Strengthening the spirit of competitiveness, forging teamwork between employees, supporting the direct responsibility of employees, neglecting some of the errors, and creating a sense of riskiness for employees, and encouraging employees to have creativity and innovation in the workplace. "Interviewees in the context of this (organizational culture) believed that the hospitality would not be able to see the productivity of the staff until the hospital had a supportive culture and morale. Because, as far as organizational culture is concerned, only if the values, beliefs and norms prevail are supported by a large number of employees, one can expect people to be able to feel better about what they are doing and to do things in a way Do good As a result, a strong culture will be a positive factor for better performance and greater productivity.



Managers, with increasing levels of manpower productivity in their organizations, can pave the way for achieving organizational goals and developing the country in the health sector. Therefore, the ultimate goal of health organizations is to achieve efficiency, or efficiency and effectiveness12. In the meantime, what is important is the systematic recognition of effective factors in promoting such an indicator (productivity), because without knowing these factors, perhaps, it cannot be well taken to improve it. The findings of this research showed that individual, motivational, educational and organizational factors are factors that can influence the productivity of employees. Concerning the individual factors explaining that, according to the experts of management science, the most important factor in improving productivity in any organization and in any country, human resources and attention to their elements are related. This factor has become an essential element in explaining the differences in productivity and growth in different countries. Organizations that have had significant success and countries that are ranked among the advanced countries have been focusing their personal resources on their workforce13. Undoubtedly, another important and effective factor in promoting the productivity of manpower is to create and reinforce their motivation15. Since one of the essential conditions for achieving the goal is to incite and motivate anyone to do this, paying attention to the motivational factors in the staff makes them more satisfied and more interested in fulfilling their duties., So that the person can take responsibility more carefully. Relevance of goals to the goals of the organization, empowerment of employees, satisfaction with the post office, the notion of fairness of rights and benefits, payment in proportion to the degree and experience, placement of facilities for employees, appreciation and thanks to staff in colleagues, The opportunity to advance the career path, the use of employee feedback is one of the best ways to increase their commitment to the workplace and increase their productivity16. In the field of motivation and its effects on the promotion and enhancement of performance and human resource productivity, many studies have been conducted at the national and international levels and researchers have been investigating and analyzing this issue in various dimensions. Relevance of goals to the goals of the organization, empowerment of employees, satisfaction with the post office, the notion of fairness of rights and benefits, payment in proportion to the degree and experience, placement of facilities for employees, appreciation and thanks to staff in colleagues, The opportunity to advance the career path, the use of employee feedback is one of the best ways to increase their commitment to the workplace and increase their productivity16. In the field of motivation and its effects on the promotion and enhancement of performance and human resource productivity, many studies have been conducted at the national and international levels and researchers have been investigating and analyzing this issue in various dimensions. Takashi found that these stimuli had a positive and significant impact on employees' motivation and productivity after examining motivational stimuli such as the effect of the system of compensation, rewards and job promotion on 1823 Japanese employees17. By examining the factors affecting motivation and its impact on efficiency (as part of productivity) in staff members of the Iranian Social Security Organization's treatment department, Abbasi showed that collaborative management is a temporary treatment method to raise the staff's low spirits and increase their low returns. 18).Also, Ali Bakhshi et al. Showed that leadership style and style, work environment conditions and job satisfaction are one of the most important motivational factors affecting labor productivity19. Educational factors were among other identified factors in order to increase the productivity of manpower in this research. In each organization, employees can have a more effective role in their productivity based on their own facilities, skills, knowledge, expertise and attitudes that they receive from education. By training, one can raise the level of specialized knowledge that can be done to better perform their duties and prepare for higher responsibility. Higher education increases the skill level of the workforce and makes them more skilled at higher levels of occupation20.Karimi, Salimi21, Sharif and Farshad Far22 each in their research showed that education has a positive impact on human resource productivity and it strengthens it. Also, NekoveMoghaddam, Mirrazaei23 and Bartel24 also concluded that in-service training courses have made employees more competent in making decisions and have been able to better manage their staffing duties. And thereby increase their productivity.Organizational culture and its related elements have been identified as other factors affecting the improvement of human resource productivity. Meanwhile, the impact of organizational culture on human resource productivity has been emphasized in several studies25,26. In a study, Nasirpour et al concluded that there is a meaningful relationship between organizational culture and productivity26. Seonghee et al. showed in their research that organizational culture is related to productivity and one of the factors contributing to its promotion27. Wright et al. also evaluated the role of organizational culture elements in improving their effectiveness28. In spite of valuable findings, this study has some limitations. Regarding the fact that the present study was a qualitative study that was performed only in the Vali-e-Asr Hospital of Kazeroon, it was necessary to consider the findings more cautiously.



The individual factors, motivational, educational and organizational culture of the four main identified categories affecting the productivity of employees in the present study. According to the findings of this study, it seems necessary that the hospital officials at the micro level and the carers of the health system at the macro level have a deeper and more systematic view of these factors and according to the identified undergraduate programs with successful implementation in put their agenda.It is also suggested that incentive incentives identified in each department of the hospital (without discrimination) are taken into account and executives work to meet individual needs for organizational goals. On the other hand, it is recommended to start training courses both on-the-job and in-service training with rich and advanced content, and to improve and provide an optimal work environment.



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